Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Has Question

Man, this place has been neglected like a sandy vagina. Let's remedy that, shall we?

Because you see, I have this question. Not an IMPORTANT question or even an INTERESTING question. Just a thing that made me go HMMMM.

If I send an email to someone requesting something, and end it with a "thanks for the help", do I need to send another 'thanks' email in reply once that someone follows up with the request? It seems a bit redundant. I already said thanks; I don't want to beat them over the head with it. But not saying it makes me feel guilty. Especially since it’s a work related email because those should be handled differently, than, say, my friend Jack sending me a picture of kitty porn.

Not that I can't find that stuff for myself mind you.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Here's an example of a recent email exchange between me and a vendor I deal with at work that inspired this awesome post.

From: Moi
To: Person I Need Help From
Subject: Dude, where's my invoice?

Hello Person I Need Help From. Could you email me a copy of an invoice from FOREVER AGO. Blah blah relevant info to aid in your search for the desired invoice. Thanks in advance for the help.

To: Person in Need
From: Person With The Goods
Re: Dude?

Here it is. I thought I'd never find it! :-)
Nicey nicey warm wishes.

I thought about responding with a "Thanks!"...

...then thought, "but I already said thanks"...

...and then thought, "she was nice about it... and quick too"...

... and then thought about responding to her 'finding it' comment with a "I know OMG its so old lolololol :) :) :)"...

... and then I felt nuttered for even thinking that.

The internets. They have warped me.


Maybe I shouldn't include the preemptive 'thanks' with the original email; that would save all this pondering. But then the email doesn't sound nice enough. And I want it to be exploding with niceties because I'm asking someone for a favor. Maybe I should send them another email and clutter their damn email box with thank you's and smilie faces and all around warm communicative fuzzies.

I don't know what it is exactly; I have this paralyzing fear of being cute in my work emails. And the ones where I send Jack kitty porn don't count. Which reminds me... Jack is due for an email!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

So why not just be boring and respond with a plain, "Thanks"? Good question Self. You're an idiot. Excellent answer Self.

Am I making an email faux pas by not replying back with my humblest of thanks and praise? Inquiring neurotics want to know. Because if so? I have a lot of emails to reply to :(


  1. Don't be afraid to not say "thanks" for every thing you request of your work "friends." Cause, afterall, isn't it a part of our job to work with our coworkers and do things like sending a picture of happy jesus in response to a request?

    Dearest Lisa, there are people who inhabit our workspace who have things like "Thank you very much, T." as their sig line for email. Because it seems to much more sincere when it is the electronic equivalent of a form letter. I really really thank them for their heartfelt thanks, which they were even too lazy to type in realtime.

    These are the same people that MUST be acknowledged each and every time you see them during a day, like 50 plus times. Aich. Stop it already. You are fine, I think you should just say things like "why didn't you pre-think of my need for what I am obviously having to request from you because you are so effin dumb" in your emails. It will probably be just as effective, and you will still get their warm, heartfelt "thank you very much" sig line.

    I dare you to be so bold, and you had better thank me for those naked dog pictures I send you!

    Thank you very much, J.

  2. you are awesome my friend, and not just because of the naked dog pictures. so yeah... THANKS! :p

    the 'thank you' signature, to me, is less annoying than the motivational ones. Believe it. Dream it. Be it. Mold it. Shape it. Touch it. Eat it.
