Tuesday, November 11, 2003

tuesday is chooseday

Would you rather...

1. Have a one night stand with George W Bush OR be responsible for his re-election?

The thought of having a one-night stand with GW gives me the heebee-jeebees. And so does the thought of him getting re-elected. *shiver* Could I take one for the team? (The environmental team that is.) I just don't know. What a question. HA!

Okay. Easy way out. I'm in a loving committed relationship. I don't think the boyfriend would approve of any one-night-standings with presidential candidates so therefore I would not want to have a one-night stand. :) And if the H.B. does approve I've got a bigger problem on my hands because I'm going to have to find something big enough to smack him with. So I'd rather be responsible for GW's re-election. And hope he doesn't do too much damage.

2. Show up for work naked OR have everybody else show up naked?

Definitely have everybody else show up naked. Wheeee! :) Even though there are no real hotties here to admire. And I'm sure there would be some people who would be quite scary being all naked and such and I'd probably be scarred for life with all that scary naked flesh burned forever on every rod and cone in my eyeballs. That's better than scarring everyone else for life with my naked self.

"What? You said it was casual Friday. Did no one else get the memo?"

3. Have teeth as large as a horse OR as brown as dirt with no hope of whitening them?

If my teeth were as large as a horse they would fit in my mouth. And that would be a pain in the... well, mouth. Even if my teeth were as large as horse's teeth they'd still be too big. Ouch. You'd never be able to do anything fun with big horsey teeth. You couldn't ride a roller coaster - wouldn't fit. You couldn't fly anywhere unless you booked an extra seat or two. And you wouldn't be able to stick your tongue out an annoying sibling when they're being a big doody stupid head. No fun indeed. So I'd rather have brown (ick!) teeth. No hope of whitening though? How about if I use whiteout? Hmm...

4. Accidentally shoot one of your parents in the butt OR intentionally burn down their house?

I'd rather shoot a parent in the butt. If I'm burning down their house on purpose its probably not for any fun like a neighborhood bonfire party. I'd like to think its because there are evil goblins living inside. And that's not good. And by burning down the house I might not kill all goblins. Still not good. If there are no goblins that means I've probably flipped my lid completely (as opposed to now with it just semi flipped). And that's really not good. So... uh... pass me the bb gun! Plus, what better way to get stories to tell your grandkids. I'd be doing them a favor. :)

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