Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Anybody stuck at work today besides me? You are? Good! My misery will love your company. She hates to be the only one at a party, that Misery. She's not happy until others are around. Others she can mug, pants, maim, push off a jungle gym, and any thing else that will allow her to laugh at another's expense.

So you're invited to a party. A Misery party! Don't worry, me and my misery will be on our bestest behaviors.

Please, don't forget to R.S.V.P.!

Actually, I don't mind working today. I've got no were to be until later tonight (which means I'm going to have a bitch of a drive with freeway traffic tonight. On Christmas Eve. Bleh.)

So anyway, I just got into work and there's this relaxed feeling in the air. That may be due to the abundance of people already enjoying their Christmas vacation break. It doesn't feel like a normal workday here. At least for me it doesn't. Am I jealous of those not here? No. Not really. With them gone I got a primo parking spot. Right in front of the door! Go me! There's a jolly, playful feeling here as well. Everyone is counting down the hours until they can go home and enjoy this wonderful Christmas Eve.

Geez. I feel all warm and fuzzy today. :)

I also feel like doing absolutely no work today. But I have to. At least a little bit. The naked bare minimum. That leaves room for the play maximum.


Oh, and beware, I've got about two more long drawn out posts to type up and post today. :)

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