Monday, December 08, 2003

Pre-Hyptnotized Peter
What Office Space character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

i don't hate my job per se, though there are many sucky elements to it. and i don't hate my life one bit. i do need a break though. that would be super nice. oh break! where are you?!?!

i guess my break will be the 25th and 26th. i get a four day weekend. woohoo! i know i'm luckier than some, because there are those that will have to work one or both of those days. and that sucks. but still, there are those workers out there that get fat vacations. fat two-weeks-off-for-xmas-and-new-year's vacations.

to all you people who work at a job that gives you more than just the 25th off for the holiday, i say 'phooey to you!'

i then say 'wanna hire me?'

i need to be my own boss and work from home. then i could have two weeks off around xmas time. and work in just my undies - a great side benefit.

after taking this quiz i've now got the 'Shove This Jay-Oh-Bee' song stuck in my head.

Take this job and shove it
I ain't workin here no more

i hope i don't start singing it out loud. :) that would be baaaad.

so would calling The BossMan 'high pockets'. one of the guys here at work likes to give people nicknames. he calls The BossMan several names, but one he uses frequently is High Pockets. because, well, The BossMan wears his pants like he's 92 years old. i.e. very very high. so his pockets are higher than they should be. High Pockets. i smile every time i hear that name. which is bad. very bad. because one day it's just going to blurt right out of my mouth. "I have that report for you High Pock... er... I mean... uh... here's the report. I have to go now. Buhbye." very very bad.

Take this job and shove it
I ain't workin here no more

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