Monday, August 11, 2003

Bees: Write or link to something about bees. *

I’m still here at work. Damn. Is it time to go home yet?

I’ve never won a spelling bee before. Maybe if I’d competed in more than just the one, I would have.

I only remember that one spelling bee... I was in the second grade, and we had a substitute teacher that day. I lasted longer than most of the class (even longer than the boy who used to spit on my chair! ha!) but I couldn’t outlast them all.

Why wasn’t I given the opportunity to compete in other spelling bees? What’s wrong with the educational system I grew up in?!? I could have competed in other spelling bees and won and then competed in tougher, more elite spelling bees, winning those too, all the while working my way to becoming a huge international spelling superstar! If only the Man hadn’t been holding me down. Damn the Man! Save the Empire!

I guess I shouldn’t worry about it, since my superstardom would have come and gone long before the movie Spellbound was made. While checking out the Spellbound site, I tried a little game of hangman. Holy alphabet soup Batman! This game of hangman is hard! Even after the words started repeating themselves I could only get three words in a row. I even missed the same word three times! (Though, in my defense, the second time around I didn’t realize it was the same word until all I was missing was my left leg... Wait, that really doesn't help my case, does it?)

Too bad I don’t have an internal spell checker in my brain. It would make life so much easier.

Get your Brain Speller Checker 2000 today! It’s the bees knees!

I have a spelling checker
It came with my PC;
It plainly marks four my revue
Mistakes I cannot sea.
I've run this poem threw it,
I'm sure your pleased too no,
Its letter perfect in it's weigh,
My checker tolled me sew.

-- Janet Minor

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