Sunday, August 10, 2003

While writing the previous post, I was reminded of one of my favorite books, The Starmen of Llyrdis written by Leigh Brackett. I found this book a few years ago while I was in a used bookstore with my mom. I'd already grabbed all the Ellery Queen books I didn't already have and was waiting for her to finish. She had several favorite authors she was looking for, so these trips to the used bookstore usually took awhile. While I waited, I perused the sci-fi aisle. I was reading the backs of the books, looking for something that sounded interesting. Even though the used books only cost a couple of dollars I didn't want to buy a book that I wasn't going to enjoy. I ending up picking The Starmen of Llyrdis and boy did I enjoy it! Here's what it says on the back cover:

Michael Trehearne had always been an outcast among his people on
Earth. He knew he was different... but he did not know how or why.
Then one day, on the wind-swept coast of Brittany, a bewitchingly beautiful
girl appeared and told him he had the look of the Vardda -- those elite
star travelers who alone could withstand the rigors of intergalactic flight.
Michael had to join them... had to find his place in the universe at last.
But it would not be easy. For even when they allowed him to risk his life
aboard their ship, to seal his fate upon their planet... even then, they viewed
him as an outcast, a dangerous changeling who suddenly threatened them.
He was a man who sooner or later would have to be destroyed!

Dum DumDum Dum DUMMMMM! Ooooh! Doesn't that just make you want to pick up this book and read it? I did to me, and I gobbled it up. It was very exciting, fascinating, and fast paced. Plus, it was only 164 pages. :) I have since found other Leigh Brackett books at other used bookstores. I'm in a sci-fi mood today and I think I just might go and tackle one of them today, after I reread this one of course. :)

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