Friday, August 15, 2003

Okay, so get this. Yesterday I posted that The Boss confided in me his little "cookie stealing crime." Today I shared that story with my fellow office dwellers, including F, the man whose cookies The Boss violated. A few hours later The Boss walks in and F, who had brought in homemade cookies this time, holds out the bag of cookies in an offering gesture. The Boss tries to grab the bag but is denied.

F: [Talking in a playful manner] Not the whole bag. [Insert stupid fake laugh here]

Boss: Oh all right. [Chuckles and grabs single cookie]

[And then... *dramatic pause*... wait for it...]

F: [Still in Playful Manner Mode with addition of big goofy grin plastered on face] Yeah, I know what’s been ‘going on’ around here. She’s [me] been telling us.


Can you believe it? The bastard sold me out! It’s not like it was a big secret. There were several people in the office at the time that noticed The Boss stealing the cookie. And its just a stupid frickin’ cookie for goodness sakes. BUT STILL!!! Now I look LIKE A TATTLER in front of The Boss! If only we were allowed to bitch-slap our employers...

When F and The Boss walked out the rest of us left in the office just looked at each other and said, “Wow.” Was he trying to score points with The Boss? Did he figure The Boss overheard him the other day when he was ranting about his missing cookie??!! GRRRrrrrrr

Okay. I’m over it now. Truly I am. I’ve written it down and gotten it out of my system. I am cleansed. *grumble grumble stupid goofy bastard grumble*

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