Right now, at this particular moment in time, in this particular frame of mind, here's a snapshot, a small sampling if you will, of what's on my 'things that really matter' list, in no particular order...
- Loved ones (i.e. family, friends, & The H.B.)
- Health. Hey, I'm not dead! Woohoo!
- My sanity (of which is highly questionable at times but still there).
- Having Spam in the cupboard when I'm too lazy to cook up anything else.
- A working air conditioner in my apartment.
- Having a car that runs and gets me to work, having enough gas to run the car to get me to work, and having enough money to pay for the gas that runs the car that gets me to work. And the green grass grows all around, all around. The green grass grows all around.
- Having enough money to provide myself with food, shelter, clothing and the occasional Snoopy toy or book.
- Having hope for a better tomorrow and having the strength to get there from today.
- Having a job that doesn't suck too much.
- Saving the planet from those whom would destroy it with their thoughtless, heartless, money grubbing ways.
- Having a muse that's in a good mood and ready to work.
- Having appreciation for all of life's wonders.
- Understanding the joke (so as to make sure I'm not the butt of it.)
- Enjoying life.
- Smiling.
- Stopping here and going to bed before I fall asleep in my chair. Damn you comfy chair! And damn this heat! It kept me up all night last night. *grumble grumble yawn*
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