Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Two For Tuesday

1. I totally cannot stand...

- watermelon flavored bubble gum...
- guys who think its cool to wear their pants around their knees with their boxers and ass cracks just a flip of the shirt away from being seen by the masses... well just those that are staring... not that I'm staring mind you, I'm just observing...
- cockroaches that try and best me in a battle of wills...
- people who drive slow in the fast lane...
- songs that get stuck in my head and I only know one frickin' line and that one line just keeps repeating itself over and over and over again in my head...
- and having to wait for one of my favorite authors to come out with her/his new book!


2. If I wrote an autobiography, I'd call it...

She Wiggles,
She Jiggles,
She Makes A
Mean Martini Fizzle:

The True Life Story of A Loonatic

This was going to be the name of my one woman Broadway show, but I think it will fit better on the cover of a book than up on the marquee.

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