Thursday, February 26, 2004

Blah blah blahblahblah blah

Blah blah blahblah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blahblah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah! Blah blahblah blah blah blah blahblahblah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blah.

Blah blah? Blah! B.O.L.!*

*Blah Out Loud

If you understand that, great. Blah blah! If not, let me translate it for you. Here's the general gist of it:

Back in the day when I had a couple of hamsters I signed up for some deal at Petco. They gave me a cool little tag deelybobthingamajig that I could put on my keychain ring. The front side of the tag had the cute little Petco symbol. The back side had a barcode. Whenever I came in to buy something the cashier would swipe my tag deelybobthingamajig's barcode and I would save money! Woo!

I used it once. Maybe twice. Then my hamsters started dying off and heading up to that big spinning wheel in the sky. That was years ago, but I never got around to taking the deelybobthingamajig off my keychain until a few days ago. 'Cause I'm cool like that. I took it off at work, for reasons that are too long and boring to type out (even for this blog! heh.), and hooked it to my pen. I just couldn't bare to part with the cute little yellow deelybobthingamajig. So the hole on the tag's left side, that would normally have a key ring slipped through it, now has the little metal arm of a pen cap slipped through it.

This ingenious combination has provided me with much joy at work over the last few days. I can move my pen back and forth and see the yellow deelybobthingamajig twirl and twirl and twirl around the shoulder bend of the caps little metal arm. Ooohhh. Aaahhh.

Good times.

Until today. Because as a wise men once said, "Don't walk on a beach wearing nothing but assless chaps." "All good things must come to an end." And it did.

A few minutes ago I was de-stressing over a rush job I'd finished for Mr. BigBossMan and as hungry as a hippo with a bunch of white plastic balls in front of it. That means I was a bit distracted when I started to play with my Twirly Pen Deelybobthingamajig Combo Contraption 5000 (trademark pending). I sat, and twirled, and debated taking my lunch break. It wasn't a long debate, but I kept playing with the deelybobthingamajig, sliding it up and down the pen cap arm. Then I started pushing the tag up against the bend in the arm of the pen cap, which was pushed down tightly on my pen. Since I was distracted, I didn't realize the amount of force I was applying to the Deelybobthingamajig, and the cap. And because I am She-Ra and all powerful the cap shot off the pen, flew across my desk, and landed between it and the window in front of me. Waaaaay at the bottom of the Valley of the Shadow of Dust Bunnies. It's freakin' scary down there!

And, of course, there is no easy way to retrieve my pen cap and deelybobthingamajig from the Dust Bunnies. I'd have to move the computer. And the desk out from the window. And bend completely over my desk which would cause my ass to stick up in the air for all to see and... yeah. Not a good plan. So I've lost my pen cap and deelybobthingamajig. No more twirly joy for me. *sniffle*

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