Friday, February 06, 2004

don't feed the butongs in the cage my young pakwan learner

Yesterday, with the clock ticking down with just minutes to go to that magic time when I get to leave this wonderful job of mine place, Mr. BigBossMan called me into his office.

[Phone rings]
Me: [picks up phone instead of making quick dash to ladies room for alibi. 'honest boss! I was in the pisser!]
Me: Hello? Super Loon here. How may I service you?
BBM: Can you come to my office for minute?
Me: I could. But I don't want to. I'm busy sticking my finger up my nose. Bu-bye now.

Okay, so that wasn't the actual conversation that took place. He did call and ask me to come to his office and I answered with a chipper, 'Sure!'

He asked me to generate a few reports, blah blah blah, then mentioned he wanted to meet with me tomorrow to work on this project he has due soon. He said he wanted to work with me 'for a couple hours' and he'd be in here first thing. When he mentioned hours, as in plural, as in more than frelling one, I tried not to flinch. 'Keep a straight face. Keep a straight face. Don't show weakness!' That was a pretty good internal mantra but I don't think it worked. I'm sure I showed every 'ah hell!' thought going through my head. ::sigh::

I don't want to work with Mr. BigBossMan, side by side, for hours. The man gets on my nerves. And he's my boss so I can't just ignore him like I do some of the other people here who really bug me. Plus, I think he wants a run down of all the stuff I do. Which is hardly any thing. Well, okay, I do a lot of stuff - and some of its actually vital - but I do manage to have huge chunks of goof off time every now and then. Which is great, but I can't let him know that. I'm going to have to kick into bullshitting high gear and make myself appear highly important to the daily running of things. Damn it. Can't he just take my word for it?

I think I'll print out a bunch of fancy excel graphs and charts and spread them all over my desk. Well, not all over. Spread out in an orderly, neat, efficient manner. Yeah. That's the ticket.

It's been a couple hours and he's not in yet. It's like knowing you have some evasive dental surgery scheduled for the very end of the day. I'm going to go crazy in anticipation!

Hell, I'm already crazy. And Mr. BigBossMan will probably pop in for a second, give me a list of stuff to figure out for him, then leave. So it will be all good in the 'hood.

But for now, I will sit here eating a couple of 'Butong Pakwan' (which someone tells me is dried watermelon seeds directly brought over from the Philippines) and a guy try to wash the upstairs windows. The window right in front of me needs to be washed, but the problem with it its double paned, and water has gotten between the two slabs of window. And the water dried and spotted the whole damn window. So my beautiful view of the snow capped mountains and clear blue sky is marred by water spots. Grrrrrrr.


I guess I should get back to work. I'm feeling really creative right now, and feel the urge to write something. 'What', I don't know. But the urge is there. Maybe inspiration will come to me while I mindlessly print and sort and file and kill half a rain forest by using a whole ream of paper. You know, Friday work stuff.

And you know what? Right around the time I am both in the mood to write and am inspired with a great topic/one-liner/whatever that I just have to write down and exercise from my head like it's the little demon that could will be the time Mr. BigBossMan decides to stop by the office.


Okay. That was my last anyways. Seriously. I'm going to do some work. Yeah. That's right. No more goofing off. For at least a half hour. :) Then I think I'll go search for writing prompts. Anyone have any suggestions? Requests? Maybe I'll try the 50 word fiction thing again. Hey, speaking of 50 word fiction... check out Jodi's. It's fabu!


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