Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I need to sign up with a new dream company

I had a nightmare last night. It wasn't really scary, and I didn't wake up from it screaming or gasping for air or sitting in a pool of sweat. Nope. None of that. But in my dream I was freaking out a lot. So I guess that would fall into the 'nightmare' category.

Some background information: I'm working only half a day today so I can attend a film and book discussion on female detectives at my library. Hey now, it sounds like fun. And besides, I'm trying to earn my book obsession badge for Geek Scouts. :) I get off work at 10am. The discussion thing starts at 10:30am. I should be able to make it to the library in time, but problems seem to pop up when you least want them.

So, okay, on to the dream...

In my dream, I left work at 9:30. I'm rushing to the library because for some reason I suddenly have less time than I thought I would to get there. Turns out I get there with ten minutes to spare (yeah!) but I'm hungry and want to eat something. I don't have time to find a fast food place so I start to panic. Just a little panic. A worry that I'll be so hungry I won't be able to enjoy the library festivities. Then I realize something. It's only 10:00 and I don't have to be there for another half hour. So I relax. Then I realize 'holy shit I left work early!' So I panic again. Full on butterfly mosh pit kind of panic. I told my boss I'd work up until 10 and I left early and now I was going to be in BIG trouble! Arrrrgggghhhh! And that's all I remember.

How lame is that? That is like the lamest dream I've ever had. I have had lamer ones, but this dream is a close runner up. Or nightmare. But I hardly ever remember my nightmares, so I'm thinking maybe this one was just a dream. A wacked out lame-o dream. Sheeeesh. That's the last time I go to bed wondering if I'll be able to make an event on time. And the last time I wonder if I'll be able to grab a bite to eat first. I blame the dream partly on the tv show I watched yesterday. Most Unique McDonald's, or something like that. It made me want a cheeseburger real bad. Just a word of advice, don't watch shows about food when your hungry. Bad idea.

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