Friday, February 20, 2004

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!

Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. I'm freaking out. A good kind of freak out. (Le Freak, c'est chic. Freak out!) I'm excited and I'm nervous and there are butterflies moshpitting in my stomach and I'm giddy as all heckity heck heck heck.


See, I've enrolled in this online writing class. And I am thuper excited about it. I am taking the next step to Grownup Writer Land. Yay! I sent the money for the class the other day (more money than I should be sending anyone but the credit card mongers but I said fuck it! I can go a bit more in debt it will be fine and it will be fun and it will be all good in the end and ohmygod I'm taking an actual writing class!). Are you picking up on how much I'm looking forward to it? I'm also nervous, because, well, what if I become swamped with a major case of Writing Suckage? That would, well, suck. But I'll least I'll be learning something during The Suckage. I hope.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. I sent the money for the class the other day and when I checked my email this morning I saw a message from the teacher titled 'Check Arrived.' Woo! Now I'm officially enrolled in the class! No more than five minutes later I got an email from the teacher with the class instructions. And you know what? CLASS STARTS NEXT MONDAY! OMG that's sooooo soon!

As I was reading the list of how this class would work I got all jittery. Excited jittery. I'm really going to do this. I'm really going to be getting instructions from this college writing professor and I'm going to be writing all these things and submitting them and he will be evaluating them and such and other people will be reading my stuff. I hope he's ruthless. Seriously. I need all the help I can get. I've written fan fiction before, and have had that edited and commented on. But this will be different. With this class I'll have to make up my own stuff. From scratch. And not rely on anyone else's story for background. Does that make sense? I'm not sure if I'm making sense right now so just stop me if you're confused. Okay? Okay. Good.

The class is six weeks. There's an assignment each week. Assignments! Yay! (I wish I could feel this enthusiastic about college assignments.) The last week I'll have to write an actual short story. Or a chapter of a book or something. Don't quite know yet. But it will be big time stuff. For me anyway. I know, I know, some of my posts can ramble on and on until it feels like one of those painfully boring books you have to read for English class and you don't really pay attention to and... I forgot where I was going to go with that. Damn. Already with The Suckage!! heh. :)

I am so glad I participated in NaNoWriMo last year. And I'm glad I went to the 'write-in's and met up with local nanowrimo-ers. Because at the end of NaNoWriMo a few of us said, 'hey, let's keep meeting and form our own group and such.' So we did. Form a group that is. They started up a yahoo group and I'm getting all this information on writing stuff. Like this class. Yay!

So I guess this post is sort of a warning. I'll be sure to be anxious/excited/frustrated/giddy in the next six weeks and will be sure to bitch all about it here. Because I will be sure to procrastinate (its an important part of the writing process. Honest. A English professor told me that once. Honest! I'm not just making that up for my benefit!) and I will procrastinate partly by blogging. To get the fingers and the brain warmed up. Yeah. That's it.

On another note, some guy is standing behind me and he smells so bad my eyes are about to water. ::gag:: I think its time for a coffee break. Can't concentrate anyway. :)

ahhhh freak out!

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