Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Tuesday is Chooseday

tuesday is chooseday

Would you rather...

1. find out from your significant other that he/she is cheating on you by: you walking in on them OR he/she telling you about it?

I'd rather my significant other tell me about it. I really don't want to see it. Though if I did walk in on them, I'd be justified in beating the living shit out of him. So that's a plus for the 'walking in on them' column.

2. take a 20% pay cut at work OR get a promotion and a 20% pay increase, but your first new task is to fire three of your co-workers?

I'd rather get the pay increase. I can barely afford food, shelter and the occasional hooker on my current salary. I couldn't afford a 20% pay cut!!! So I'd take the promotion, and the pay increase, then fire my officemates. See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!

3. be responsible for a car accident that causes your best friend to become paralyzed OR be involved in a sex scandal with a famous politician?

I would rather be involved in a political sex scandal. I'd never want one of my friends to become paralyzed, especially because of my own bad driving skills. So I'd make the sacrifice for their well-being and do the dirty with a famous politician. I will suffer through the sex scandal and everything. Then, I will sell the rights to my side of the story to the Made For TV Movie people. I will also cash in a book deal. So yeah, I'd rather be involved in the sex scandal. :)

4. when you lie to someone: drool uncontrollably OR burp loudly?

I would rather drool uncontrollably. Burping loudly would be rude. And would call a lot of attention to myself. Drooling is silent and therefore will cause less staring, in case I'm out in public while spreading around my lies. If I'm in doors, the only person I have to worry about is the person I'm lying to. So when I tell a friend that no, their favorite outfit doesn't make them look like a rooster on acid, I'd rather deal with a little drool.

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