Tuesday, October 28, 2003

tuesday is chooseday

Would you rather...

1. For the rest of your life, never be allowed to see the sun again OR never be allowed to see the moon and stars again?

Okay. I'm probably going to analyze/read into this question more than it deserves, but oh well. :) My first thought was, 'oh, I'd hate to never walk in the sun again' assuming that if I can never see the sun again I can no longer be outside in the daylight. Reasonable assumption. So following that assumption I'd be tempted to never see the moon again so I could walk outside during the day. But sometimes you can see the moon up in the sky in the middle of the day, in broad daylight. So on those days I'd be trapped inside my house during the day and the night? Or underground roaming the sewers somewhere so I can't see anything? That would suck.

Since the moon hones in on the suns special few hours, and not being outside for that long would suck, I'm just going to assume that the assumption I made is wrong. Just because I can no longer see a particular celestial body, that doesn't mean I can't be outside while that celestial body is taking up space up in the sky. And just because I can't see the sun doesn't mean I can't see sunlight.

So since I love to look at the moon and the stars I would rather never see the sun again. Your eyes get all splotchy when you do, so no real big loss there.

2. Always smell like pot roast so strongly that everyone around you smells it too OR always taste pot roast no matter what you're eating?

I would rather always taste pot roast. Pot roast isn't that bad, but I'm sure you could grow to hate pot roast after eating it so much. But more than that, I'd hate to have people smell me as the great big pot roast woman. Eek!

3. Have the power to make plants grow almost instantly OR to turn water into wine?

I would rather turn water into wine. Par-tay! Sure, instant flowers would be nice. And instant vegetable would be very handy. Instant food! But vegetables are relatively cheap. Really nice wine (and I'd turn my tap water into the finest of wines) isn't. Plus, 'Party time!' with vegies isn't as much fun. Unless its a one woman party... and there's a certain vegetable handy... but enough about that. Water into wine! Party! Woo!

4. When talking on the phone, be so nervous that you breathe heavy and people constantly mistake you for a stalker OR only speak in rhyme?

I wouldn't mind if people mistake me for a stalker. If it's a stranger I'm talking to, who cares what they think? It's not like they'll turn around and call the police. "Help. Some woman just called me and breathed really heavily! I think they're stalking me." If it's an acquaintance, well, they'll probably know I can't talk right when it comes to using such high tech instruments as the telephone, so they'd probably just chalk it up to more loony-ness.

And while it would be fun to speak only in rhyme, I'd run out of catchy rhymes in no time. :)

And that could be a problem. For example: I see an infomercial for the .99 cent store selling everything from kitchenware to toddler toys to DVDs at an excessively low price. So I call and make a purchase.

"Yes," I say to the nice phone operator man. "I'd like to buy for one dollar the movie Gladiator. I just wish I had enough money to also buy..."

I'd want to say something like, oh, maybe Caddyshack, a classic movie, but that doesn't rhyme.


So I'd have to rack my brains quickly for a word that rhymes with Gladiator.

"... to also buy... uh... vibrator."

D'oh! See. Disaster. But then again, if it's a stranger I'm talking to who cares? :)

All in all I'd rather be Heavy Breather Stalker Chick.

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