Thursday, September 18, 2003

Quin's shopping list challenge

"Today, I have been trying to think of the most ten most disturbing things you can buy from a normal out-of-town supermarket that, if put on the conveyor belt, would make people run away crying for their mothers..."

Here's my lame Make Them Cry For Mommy shopping list:

Spongebob Squarepants birthday party hats
whip cream in a can
one really big cucumber
barbeque tongs
glad cling wrap
a dozen eggs
24 pack of beer
industrial sized tub of stain remover
package of 3 blank VHS tapes

I don't know if the combination of these items would make people run away (Run away! Run away!) but I'm sure I'd get a few cautious stares. I might have considered earning some bonus points by actually purchase these items, and just these items, in a fun shopping excursion, just to see the reactoin on the checkers face, but I'm soooooo broke right now. Poor me. Literally. *

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